Friday, September 01, 2006

Immigration Analogy

This is what I posted back in June at the height of the immigration debate.

I wonder how many people who wish for open borders would support the following scenario: I come to their house and gently force open a window, or maybe the window was unlocked. I climb in and start living in the attic. No one lives in the attic, so I'm not taking anyone's living space. I do "all the jobs that you don't want to do", like washing the dishes, laundry, etc. I make use of your "social programs" like your refrigerator and your medicine cabinet. I sometimes borrow your car while you're not using it. I generally stay out of your way, but you know I'm there. I might get into a confrontation with your wife or children from time to time, but I'm really pretty harmless. I may even be there at the invitation of your children who appreciate the fact that I am doing their chores. America is my house, and I don't want the non- invited intruders any more than the homeowner wants a non-invited guest in his house.

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